FOVE has had beta support for Linux since 2020. Though Windows continues to be the dominant and most well tested platform, we still continue to improve our Linux stack over time and use it in production.



To install, please use our VR Platform Contact page and select a plan. Make sure to note you are interested in a Linux build. We will send you the installation instructions along with your license key.


Run as a daemon:

> systemctl --user start fove-service.service

Run directly:

> fove-service

Once your headset is plugged in, you should see a starry sky in the headset. Now you’re ready to start building or using FOVE content.

Detailed Instructions

Make sure to plug in your FOVE correctly.

PC Thing.png

Camera Plugged.png

Pro Tip #1: If you only need 3DoF tracking, you can forgo the position-tracking camera and the USB 2.0 headset cable.

Pro Tip #2: The headset's USB 2.0 cable simply supplies power, so it can be plugged into another computer or even a wall charger.

The FOVE Service

The fove-service is the main daemon that handles FOVE hardware and deals with application clients. It also will automatically launch fove-compositor (the application that renders to the HMD screen), and fove-companion (the application that draws the calibration sequence) on demand when plugging in a headset, starting calibration, etc. It also automatically shuts them down when they are no longer needed.